It seems like his rework is going to take heavy influence from his ultimate skin, so we're wondering just how he is actually going to be changed with the VGU in 2022.

The skin has five different forms, all depending on the stances Udyr takes in-game. We do think that with the rework this skin is going to be fire though. It was released all the way back in 2013 and has received a small visual uplift in 2019 to make it worth it's price. Udyr will be receiving a visual and gameplay update in 2022 and this skin will also be revamped.

Oh, and thankfully the skin got revamped in 2018 when Ez received a visual update, so now it looks worth the price. This was the first of its kind, and it's actually super interesting and well done. This skin has four different forms and whenever Ezreal reaches a new point in his ultimate the skin evolves.

But it's not just the lore that's amazing, the skin itself is also really cool. The first ultimate skin to be released was for none other than Pulsefire Ezreal all the way back in 2012. To this day, he's got some of the best lore of any skin, travelling through the different universes and having something to say about all of them. I've talked to you few times before in calls and I believe you are a really cool person.All Ultimate Skins in League of Legends Pulsefire Ezreal | 3250 RP I like my own skin too, i'm grateful for it and the person who made it, but there is always more room for improvement and to capture a very unique skin in itself, for me, a calling card of sorts for Shizai possibly, I wanna be known by my skin. You can do an entirely new skin, or you can choose to edit the skin I have now, which I have provided some stuff in the spoilers for. I really like MikeShotZ and IWashMySoaps and Im6 skin styles and I want something that has a signature style and you can instantly tell who it is by looking at their skin, if you could check those out on their namemc and try and get a feel of what I mean by signature style they are really nice, they are like my literal top favorite skins I wish that I had something that was signature like that too. Skin Request: Read, Sorry I know it's a lot)įoreword: Surprised there is no format, I'd love to have a skin from you! I have one made for me, but if you want to just edit it to make it a little better than it is, or just create a whole new one, either way, I'm down.